Friday, March 22, 2013

On a  crisp morning in the neighbor's barn this pretty little ewe is wondering just what I am doing there.  She is penned because it is spring and she is safer with the little one who is barely indicated at her side.   The light is just coming through the windows creating some great highlights on the wool and barn edges.  Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Thanks to a neighbor who was generous with her time and livestock , I had a wonderful reference for this beautiful calf.  Entitled:  The Nap 

Friday, March 1, 2013

In an effort to play with light , once again, these two "teenagers" are enjoying a little of the outside seeping into their space.  This painting is a compilation of multiple images from our home and photographic references.  Three different planes are layered to keep pulling at the eye.  I got much too involved in the detail but feel good about the washes in the chair.  Thanks again for looking!!!